
Monday 18 March 2013

Lindisfarne Gospels - 1000 Creations

After much debating with fellow intellectuals and artisans I have taken up my friends suggestion for the collective noun for a group of artists - 'a palette of artists'. Fab isn't it? Thank you Helen Busby.
So here are some photos of a 'palette of artists' gathered round the table at NeST discussing the Lindisfarne Gospels - 1000 Creations with the lovely Lindsey Starborn chairing the meeting and having the awesome task of keeping us creative types in order! Well done I say. Also a big thank you to NeST for facilitating the exhibition.


So all we have to do now is come up with the art work. There will be plenty to do organising this  event - hopefully everyone will enjoy the hands on experience of showing their work and being involved in such a wonderful project. The deadline for work to be submitted will be in early July in order for the gallery vetting panel to consider each artist's work in good time and hopefully without undue pressure.

The exhibition is open to all forms of art - sculpture, printmaking, film, photography,poetry,painting etc.

If you would like to be involved/included on the mailing list for further updates and information please email